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Hey, this looks like a terrific idea, can’t wait to get my FREE HAT!
Love to boat on Inland lakes! Dalehollow lake is home away from home, out of Wolfriver Dock.
Looking for a free hat…
Illinois river boater looking forward to Lake Michigan next year.
I am new to this site. I just put a deposit on a 2008 Cobalt 302 and want to make sure I made the right decision. I know everyone here is probably biased, but how does 302 compare to Formula 310 and Searay 300? I think the 302 looks better, but I am otherwise uneducated on the differences in these boats.
I am going to purchase my first Cobalt this evening. It’s a 1989 Cobalt 19BR with only 155 hours. I am very excited about this purchase! The only thing it doesnt have that I want is a teak swim platform. Not sure where to find a used teak swim platform. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Have you found a teak swim deck yet? If not what dimensions do you need?
T_inkman, I would keep looking on Craigslist. Google your model and keep your eye out for boats down south that may be getting parted out. There are a bunch of older models out there that weren’t taken care of to scavenge. Good luck.
We bought a 1992 Cobalt 255 a few years ago. LOVE IT! It has held up beautifully!!! You can’t go wrong with any Cobalt.
Ive owned a Cobalt 252 and bought a 262 new in 2005. Great boat…get lots of compliments…great lake memories with family and friends. Matt
hey all… my cobalt 263 project is done! will upload a pic ! jason lauri . jlauri@remax.com.mt